Finding a moment of peace can be a challenge. Flow + Restore Yoga offers a way to achieve deep relaxation and balance. This practice blends the dynamic movements of flow yoga with the calming poses of restorative yoga.

Flow yoga involves moving smoothly from one pose to another, guided by your breath. It energizes the body and clears the mind. Meanwhile, restorative yoga focuses on holding poses for longer periods using props for support. It helps the body release tension and promotes deep relaxation.

By combining these two styles, Flow + Restore Yoga creates a balanced practice. You get the benefits of active movement and deep rest in one session. This technique is perfect for anyone looking to reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

Let’s explore how Flow + Restore Yoga can help you find calm and relaxation in your busy life. Through this blend of movement and stillness, you can enjoy a sense of peace and rejuvenation.

I. Understanding Flow Yoga: Moving with Breath

Flow yoga, often called Vinyasa, focuses on connecting breath with movement. The word “vinyasa” means to place in a special way, hinting at the methodical flow from one pose to the next. This style of yoga energizes both the body and the mind.

In a flow yoga session, you move smoothly from one pose to another, guided by your breath. Each movement has a matching inhale or exhale. For example, you might inhale as you lift your arms up and exhale as you fold forward. This seamless transition creates a fluid practice that feels like a dance.

Flow yoga typically includes a variety of standing and seated poses, as well as inversions and balance poses. Common sequences like Sun Salutations are often used to warm up the body. These sequences build strength, flexibility, and endurance. You also improve your balance and coordination with regular practice.

Flow yoga’s continuous movement helps release tension and fosters a meditative state. The focus on breathing calms the mind and reduces stress. With flow yoga, you get a dynamic workout that also leaves you feeling centered and peaceful.

II. Restorative Yoga: Poses for Deep Relaxation

Restorative yoga is all about slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching. This style of yoga focuses on holding poses for longer periods, often using props like blankets, bolsters, and blocks for support.

Poses in restorative yoga are usually simple and can be held for several minutes, allowing your muscles to relax deeply. Some common restorative poses include Child’s Pose, Reclining Bound Angle Pose, and Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose. These poses help to calm the nervous system and release tension built up in the body.

Props are a key feature of restorative yoga. They help you hold poses comfortably for extended periods. For example, bolsters can support your back in a reclining pose, or blankets can cushion your knees in a seated pose. These supports allow you to fully relax and let go.

The slow pace and deep stretching in restorative yoga provide a perfect counterbalance to the busyness of everyday life. This practice encourages mindfulness and deep breathing, helping to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. By incorporating restorative yoga into your routine, you can experience profound relaxation and rejuvenation.

III. Combining Flow and Restore: Balanced Practice

Combining Flow yoga and Restorative yoga creates a balanced practice that offers both active and passive benefits. This approach allows you to start with dynamic movements and finish with deep relaxation, providing an all-encompassing yoga experience.

1. Start with Flow Yoga: Begin your session with Flow yoga to energize the body. This part of the practice involves moving through sequences like Sun Salutations and other flowing poses. The continuous movement helps warm up muscles, build strength, and increase flexibility. It also raises your heart rate and improves circulation.

2. Transition to Restorative Yoga: Once your body is warmed up, switch to Restorative yoga poses. Use props to support your body in poses that are held for longer periods. This phase allows your muscles to fully relax and your mind to settle. Holding these poses helps release tension and stress accumulated in the body.

3. End with Deep Relaxation: Finish your practice with a long, supported Savasana (Corpse Pose) or another favorite restorative pose. This final relaxation helps integrate the benefits of both practices, leaving you feeling refreshed and balanced.

Combining these two yoga styles offers a harmonious blend of movement and stillness. You get the physical benefits of Flow yoga and the mental relaxation of Restorative yoga, making it a perfect practice for overall well-being.

IV. Benefits of Flow + Restore Yoga for Stress Relief

Flow + Restore Yoga provides numerous benefits, particularly for stress relief. Here’s how this combined practice can help ease stress and improve your overall well-being:

1. Reduces Physical Tension: The active movements in Flow yoga help to release tight muscles and improve circulation. The gentle stretching and holding in Restorative yoga further relax the muscles, reducing physical tension that can lead to stress.

2. Calms the Mind: Concentrating on breath and movement in Flow yoga helps clear the mind and reduce mental clutter. Shifting to the stillness of Restorative yoga allows for deep relaxation, calming both the mind and the nervous system.

3. Balances Energy: Flow yoga energizes you, making you feel invigorated and ready to take on challenges. Restorative yoga then helps to balance this energy by promoting relaxation and recovery, creating a balanced state of being.

4. Improves Sleep Quality: Regular practice reduces stress hormones, leading to better sleep. Flow yoga helps tire the body in a healthy way, while Restorative yoga prepares you for restful sleep by calming the mind.

5. Enhances Mood: Physical activity boosts mood through the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. The mindfulness and relaxation in Restorative yoga help to sustain this positive mood.

By integrating both yoga styles, Flow + Restore Yoga creates a comprehensive practice that addresses physical, mental, and emotional stress. It’s a holistic approach to achieving and maintaining balance in your life.


Flow + Restore Yoga is the ultimate practice for achieving deep relaxation and balance. This unique combination of dynamic movements and calming poses offers a comprehensive approach to relieving stress and enhancing overall well-being. Whether you’re new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, Flow + Restore Yoga provides physical and mental benefits that are hard to match.

Starting with Flow yoga, you energize your body and clear your mind through synchronized breath and movement. Transitioning to Restorative yoga, you enter a state of deep relaxation, allowing your body and mind to release tension and stress. This balanced practice ensures that you leave your session feeling refreshed, peaceful, and rejuvenated.

At Haum Yoga Studio in San Francisco, we offer classes that combine these powerful techniques, tailored to help you find your perfect balance. Experience the benefits of Flow + Restore Yoga and transform your practice. Join us at Haum Yoga Studio and discover how this ultimate relaxation technique can enhance your life.

Ready to experience the ultimate relaxation? Visit Haum Yoga Studio in San Francisco and sign up for our Flow + Restore Yoga classes today!