The Fine Print
Our memberships auto-renews monthly with a 3 or 6 month commitment. It is your responsibility to cancel before the next billing cycle. There are no refunds for unused services or late cancelations. This membership is nontransferable.
Membership Freeze
As an autopay member, you are welcome to freeze (or put on hold) your HAUM membership. Please note that there will be a $10.00 monthly administrative freeze fee during the period of your membership freeze. This fee covers the administrative costs associated with maintaining your account during the freeze. Please give us a two-week notice prior to your billing date in order to freeze your membership. If you are going on vacation, traveling for business, or experiencing an injury, freezing your membership is a great option. You cannot cancel your membership during a freeze. Please read the updated freeze policy before you submit your request.
Freeze Policy
I understand that I can freeze my membership if I submit the request at least 2 weeks before my next payment. Membership freezes are based on your billing date and will incur a $10.00 monthly administrative freeze fee. This fee will be charged to my account for the duration of the freeze period. I understand that I can only freeze my membership once in a calendar year for up to one (1) month. I understand my payment will automatically restart upon the predetermined date, unless I notify HAUM for an earlier reactivation date. I understand that I cannot cancel my membership while it is frozen. Memberships canceled during a freeze will be charged one additional monthly payment before being canceled. HAUM does not pro-rate refunds, allow transfers of a frozen membership, or refund the administrative freeze fee.