

What is the most essential part of practice for you?
Coming to understand that success in any human endeavor is tied to the degree to which I can pay close and continuous attention to whatever it is I’m doing

My practice is shaped by many years of inquiry into the minutia of both movement and sitting still. I understand yoga to be a laboratory for cultivating the sharpness of mind, the composure of the nervous system, and the felt clarity of the body. At the heart of my training is a balance between discipline and freedom, between efforting and releasing, between trying to figure everything out and being comfortable having no idea. Over my years of leading teacher trainings, retreats, and lecture series both around the US and internationally, I have learned to prioritize the depth and joy of simplicity. We are here to find grace in observing change, to take complete residence within the body, and to cultivate a peace that becomes an offering to those in need of peace. My classes attempt to be intelligent, challenging, fluid, and always in touch with the greater landscape of truth towards which we are all reaching.

What is the most essential part of practice for you?
Coming to understand that success in any human endeavor is tied to the degree to which I can pay close and continuous attention to whatever it is I’m doing

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My practice is shaped by many years of inquiry into the minutia of both movement and sitting still. I understand yoga to be a laboratory for cultivating the sharpness of mind, the composure of the nervous system, and the felt clarity of the body. At the heart of my training is a balance between discipline and freedom, between efforting and releasing, between trying to figure everything out and being comfortable having no idea. Over my years of leading teacher trainings, retreats, and lecture series both around the US and internationally, I have learned to prioritize the depth and joy of simplicity. We are here to find grace in observing change, to take complete residence within the body, and to cultivate a peace that becomes an offering to those in need of peace. My classes attempt to be intelligent, challenging, fluid, and always in touch with the greater landscape of truth towards which we are all reaching.